Volume II: Filmography





(June 15, 1916 ready for release but not issued)

Length: 1 reel

Character: Comedy

Director: Claude Cooper

Cast: Riley Chamberlin, William Sullivan (juvenile lead), William P. Burt, Tracey Hollingsworth (bit part), Al Bucky (bit part)

Location: Jacksonville, Florida

Note: This film was produced during the first and second weeks of April 1916 but, so far as is known, was never released. Bit parts in the film were played by Tracey Hollingsworth, who was best known in real life as the author of the "Flivers From Film Folk" column in the Jacksonville Florida Metropolis, and Al Bucky, a Jacksonville city councilman. Both were in a civic parade featuring black musicians, on Saturday, April 8, 1916. Claude Cooper, best known as an actor, directed the picture.


ARTICLE, The Florida Metropolis, April 15, 1916:

"Did you see Bill Burt and his banner in the Falstaff political speech-making scene taken near the Windsor Hotel, last Saturday? Well, even his friends did not know him, as he wore some ordinary glasses in place of those shelled affairs that usually adorn his sniffers."

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