Volume II: Filmography



August 16, 1914 (Sunday)

Length: 1 reel (830 feet)

Character: "A beautiful play of child life"

Scenario: Lloyd F. Lonergan

Cast: Roy Hauck (Roy, the big brother), Doris Farrington (Doris, his little sister), Alice Turner (Alice, Doris' chum), James Wallace, Charles Mather


SYNOPSIS, Reel Life, August 8, 1914:

"Little sister was much looked down upon by brother Roy, two years her senior. He was always telling her what little girls could not do. Worst of all, he would not teach little sister how to swim. But Doris found another instructor, where only a very bright little girl would have thought of looking for help. She watched her pet dog in the water, and by imitating the 'dog paddle,' became adept, unknown to big brother. When the school swimming contest came around, Doris 'swam rings' around Roy. And after that big brother had to admit that little girls could do lots of things even better than boys - sometimes."


REVIEW, The Bioscope, November 26, 1914:

"An acceptable trifle, dealing with some pretty little American kiddies' squabbles and amusements. There is only a suspicion of a plot, but the film is quite pleasing and will be especially so to youngsters. And it is always agreeable to see clever, natural children behaving naturally on the screen."


REVIEW, The Moving Picture World, August 29, 1914:

"A little girl does not listen to the domineering advice of her brother and insists on going in bathing with the boys. She wins a swimming race and gets a medal. This is a good little plot but did not seem to be worked up very skillfully. The swimming race was handled in too perfunctory a way, when it should have aroused more suspense."

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