Volume II: Filmography





December 13, 1915 (Monday)

Length: 1 reel (1,010 feet)

Character: Comedy

Scenario: Lloyd F. Lonergan

Cast: Riley Chamberlin (Conductor 786), Louise Emerald Bates (Cordelia), Frank McNish (her suitor)


SYNOPSIS, Reel Life, December 11, 1915:

"In wooing the lady of his choice, Conductor 786 wins her affections, outmaneuvering his rival, Fred. Later, he overhears Fred and two accomplices discussing a plot to wreak vengeance upon himself. The railroad company has been greatly annoyed by rowdies creating a rumpus on the cars. Conductor 786 is not a fighting man. So his jealous rival secures two ugly fellows to get him into trouble. The day before, the conductor has saved the life of a small dog and won the gratitude of its owner, 'The Great Cordelia,' champion female hammer thrower of the United States. She promises him her support. Cordelia is on the car when the two rowdies begin to scrap. All the other passengers flee in terror. But Cordelia seizes the pair of disputants, carries them out of the car, and then proceeds to make a new long distance throwing record. When she is finished, she goes to the superintendent's office and gives Conductor 786 all the credit. Fred never butts in again on the brave conductor's wooing."

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Copyright © 1995 Q. David Bowers. All Rights Reserved.