Volume II: Filmography





October 9, 1914 (Friday)

Length: 1 reel (1,003 feet)

Character: Drama

Director: Arthur Ellery

Cast: Reenie Farrington (Eunice Hastings), Boyd Marshall (John Bruce)

Note: This film was produced during the week of September 14, 1914. The New Rochelle Pioneer described the picture as "rural in construction."


SYNOPSIS, Reel Life, October 3, 1914:

"Dr. Hastings, a country doctor, is very proud of his pretty daughter, Eunice, who is engaged to marry John Bruce, a young farmer, whom she has known since childhood. Jameson, a city man, appears and soon succeeds in fascinating Eunice. He tells Bruce that the girl no longer cares for him, and Bruce, believing that she has fallen in love with the stranger, gives her up. Dr. Hastings is a far-sighted student of human nature. He sees that Jameson is not the man with whom his daughter will be happy, and arranges a test of the suitors. Eunice is convinced that Bruce is the nobler of the two, and that she never really cared for the city man."


REVIEW, The Moving Picture World, October 24, 1914:

"The old story of the test. Two men are in love with the doctor's daughter and he tests their courage by offering them pills, one of which is supposed to be poison. Nothing new, but prettily done."

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Copyright © 1995 Q. David Bowers. All Rights Reserved.