Volume III: Biographies



Cameraman (c.1915-1917)

Thanhouser Career Synopsis: Howard Hawkins Robinson was a cameraman for Thanhouser circa 1915-1917.

Biographical Notes: The following is from a 1987 letter to the author from Howard H. Robinson, Jr.: "My father, Howard Hawkins Robinson, was a photographer for Thanhouser when it was down on Main Street (in New Rochelle). He met Pere Amelia Benz, who was a wardrobe lady for the studio. When World War I broke out, he enlisted, was sent to Fort Slocum in New Rochelle, then to Texas. He became an aerial photographer in the 650th Aerial Squadron and went to France. I have a photograph of him at Orly field in France, standing next to his plane. He wrote many letters home about his experiences flying against the Germans (our family still has the letters). He survived the war, rode a truck in the victory celebration in Paris, returned home, and married Pere Benz. This marriage resulted in seven children, all of whom are still living." In 1915 through at least 1918 he lived 64 Woodbury, New Rochelle

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