Volume II: Filmography
August 23, 1914 (Sunday)
Length: 1 reel (1,002 feet)
Character: Drama
Cast: Morgan Jones (Mr. Gladwin), Virginia Waite (Mrs. Gladwin), Shep, the Thanhouser Dog (playing himself), Leland Benham (Bobby Smith), Fan Bourke (Bobby's mother), John Lehnberg, Lydia Mead, Lass (Bobby's dog)
SYNOPSIS, Reel Life, August 8, 1914:
"Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin, a wealthy, childless couple, make the mistake of lavishing upon a dog all the affection and care which should have gone to some forlorn human being. The dog is not happy in his unnatural surroundings, and on the first opportunity he runs away to the home of Mrs. Smith, the Gladwins' washerwoman, where he is in his element frolicking with Bobbie Smith's dog. When the Gladwins find him there, they see their error. They take Mrs. Smith and her boy home to live in their beautiful house, and the two dogs are given a kennel in the yard."
REVIEW, The Bioscope, January 21, 1915:
"A delightful story of dog life, showing the remarkable intelligence and careful training of a handsome collie and a nondescript terrier in their different social surroundings. The collie's charitable help to the terrier and its little master, makes a pretty little story, and Master Leland Benham and the two canine comedians will afford unbounded delight to young and old alike."
REVIEW, The Moving Picture World, September 4, 1914:
"The story of a small boy and two dogs. The shepherd belonging to the rich lady hauls a washing home on the wagon for the boy. A slight plot but pleasing."
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Copyright © 1995 Q. David Bowers. All Rights Reserved.